Elisha WangClass of: 2024
Major: Hotel Administration Hometown: Arcadia, California Member Since: February 2021 Bio: Elisha has always loved music - from playing piano to guitar to flute during the good old high school marching band times. Before Cornell, she always looked forward to watching her mother play in her taiko group back home. When she finally got on campus 2nd semester of her freshman year, Elisha felt that she was missing a musical aspect of her life that was always there. Thankfully, while scrolling through ~online ClubFest~ she found Yamatai and was so excited to experience the big drum energy for herself! With her fellow covid-era noobs, Elisha took the first step in her Yamatai journey, armed with dorm mattresses and dusty lounge pillows as her very first drums. Since joining the group, Elisha has met so many lovely people to experience the exhilarating energy of taiko with. She looks forward to more intense drum hitting and even more intense laughter with the Yamatai family! ~heart goes don doko don~ Likes: stargazing, skiing, hiking, running/working out, karaoke, filling camera roll with videos that never get edited into vlogs, baking, The Little Prince (book + movie), Ikea meatballs, carbonara, MAC N CHEESE, rose-scented stuff, yakult-flavored drinks, Taiwanese rom-coms, kdramas Food for thought: If kombucha and matcha had a child, what would the child's name be? ...kombumatchacha! Ask me about: My theory that the sky is actually green. |