Emmah KabbahEboard Position: Co-Publicity Chair
Class of: 2027 Major: Global and Public Health Hometown: Odenton, MD Member Since: September 2023 Bio: Prior to coming to Cornell, Emmah had known she wanted to join some sort of drumming ensemble. While scrolling through Instagram's endless stream of Cornell Organizations, she discovered a flyer stating that Yamatai was holding a Taiko workshop. Emmah had never before played Taiko but decided to give it a try. She attended the workshop and was not only entranced by the energy of playing, but also the strong community Yamatai held. Following the workshop, while stalking (lol) Yamatai's youtube for hours and admiring how buff the Odaiko players looked, she decided she'd try out. She now spends her nights stalking the Youtube (but this time with unlimited access) as a noob Yamatai member! Likes: Cold rain, stepping on dead leaves, spotify, pinterest, crunchyroll, webtoon, dried seaweed, matcha, rice, slightly uncooked ramen, greek mythology, and playing guitar Dislikes: Soft apples, humid weather, dead headphones, and pecan pie Something I oddly know too much about: Astrology |