Iris HoClass of: 2026
Major(s): Computer Science + Asian Studies + Linguistics Hometown: Syosset, NY Member Since: September 2022 Bio: Iris is a classically trained pianist and clarinetist who had never touched a drum before Yamatai (apparently it's forbidden for players of other sections in band to touch percussion instruments??). Though she loves the two instruments, she found that extended clarinet practice demanded too much physical stamina and that it would be hard to pursue piano recreationally in college. Fortunately, Iris' friend was part of part of Brown's taiko group and had recommended trying taiko many times. It looked really fun, so Iris decided to try out for Yamatai! From the hour before tryouts when Iris watched her first Yamatai recording to now, Iris has found the rhythms and overwhelming presence of so many drums awesome. Also, as a quieter person, Iris finds Yamatai's mandatory kiai-ing to be a very healthy activity. Likes: Listening to songs on repeat, bubble tea, short stories <3, sweatpants, fuzzy things, her bed, editing essays, puffy jackets, hugs, cool cookie cutters, clothing with cute graphics Dislikes: Chemistry, tomatoes, cloudy days Recommends: