Melissa ChenClass of: 2024
Major: Information Science Hometown: Melville, New York Member Since: February 2021 Bio: Before coming to Cornell, Melissa was inspired by one of her sister's Pulse performances with Yamatai. She saw how all the drums came together and created such a loud and impactful performance on stage. When she realized she was going to Cornell, she already knew she wanted to tryout for Yamatai. Melissa had only had musical experience with piano and violin in the past, so drumming would be a completely new experience. Luckily, she was brought into this amazing community of great and enthusiastic players to teach her how to play and be a part of the team. Melissa and her fellow noobs struggled with practicing on pillows in the beginning of the semester, but somewhat pulled it together when playing on real drums for noob initiation. Excited to see what Yamatai is like during a regular school year! Likes: frisbee, golf, tennis, netflix, snacks, sleeping, horror game playthroughs, furikake rice seasoning Dislikes: being tired, bugs |