Paul DeVito
Class of: 2018
Major: Computer Science Hometown: Hastings on Hudson, New York Member Since: September 2015 Bio: Our story begins 13 years B.Y. where a young Paul first creates "music" on an upright piano. He learns that music is accessible to a scrawny nerd with fingers hardened from Yoshi's Island and Pokemon Ruby. Two years later, Paul picks up the viola for his education facility's string orchestra because nobody else wanted to, I mean because he enjoys leaping into the unknown. In the following years Paul picks up percussion, but refuses to accept formal training because. Now let's jump to a time just one year B.Y. where Paul arrives at the Cornell Corporation after many rigorous years of sleeping through rehearsal, never practicing, and always making sure to be selectively punctual. Paul donates his viola to his little brother, who is better than him at everything he does anyway, and starts his freshman year blissfully unaware of what a Yamatai is. Soon he starts his sophomore year, still having witnessed not a single Yamatai. A wild Yamatai appears! Go! INDECISION! What will INDECISION do? INDECISION used HOPE! It's super effective! Paul got LESS FREE TIME for winning! But in all seriousness, Yamatai is exactly the musical involvement that Paul was sorely missing in the previous year. He is very happy for the opportunity to direct this group of personalities. Good things: Coffee, Ok Go, Backpacking, Tortellini, Bob's Burgers, when it's raining outside but it's warm inside, Fleet Foxes, Jak and Daxter, Pears, when it's snowing outside but it's warm inside, Imagine Dragons, How to Train Your Dragon, Dungeons and Dragons, the AT, The Office, MGMT, Reese's, Christmas lights, Coldplay, Breaking Bad, sometimes the smell of mold. Bad things: Waking up and being unsure whether it's 7am or 7pm, finally going to the gym but forgetting your headphones, when the Willard Straight popcorn is unexpectedly closed, waving back at people who were not actually waving at you in the first place, when the video and audio are slightly out of sync but you know refreshing the page will only make it worse, sometimes the smell of mold. |