Victoria ShaoEboard Position: Secretary
Class of: 2023 Major: Nutritional Sciences Hometown: Qingdao, China Member Since: February 2021 Bio: Before Yamatai, the closest Victoria has ever gotten to taiko was stumbling across 1 (one) video of someone playing "Taiko no Tatsujin" and thought it looked fun. She first saw Yamatai perform in the Commons during CU Downtown and was immediately drawn by the group's verve and vitality. Although she has had musical experience with the piano and clarinet, she decided that this was the call to attempt something with a completely different energy from classical and jazz. As Victoria went to tryouts, she was even more drawn to Yamatai by the drum vibrations, the group dynamic, and the bonus of getting toned arms. There is no going back after experiencing group-taiko. It took Victoria 2 tries, but eventually she made the team after a socially-distanced zoom tryout (tip: placing an upside-down trashcan covered with a blanket on a chair creates the perfect muted drum). She hopes that Yamatai's charisma will drum on! Likes: strawberries, chai, Fig & Olive crisps from Trader Joe's, Everyday Seasoning from Trader Joe's, going to Trader Joe's, cooking, falling asleep knowing there's no need to wake up early, Imagist poetry, 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice (film), Snow Patrol Dislikes: sleep deprivation, time-crunch, blisters, food that's overly sweet, coffee shops charging $0.5+ for non-dairy substitutions Cornell Dining favorites: